Take a look on this ^^

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Vocabulary Lesson: Complete or Finished ??

People say there is no difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED.

But there is.

When you marry the right one, you are COMPLETE.

But when you marry the wrong one, you are FINISHED.

And when the right one catches you with the wrong one, you are…………


p/s: a forward message from my dear sister ...haha... 

Saturday, January 1, 2011


1. After doing his homework, Ahmad went out.
2. Siew Keng left the house after locking the door.

1. After Ahmad has done his homework, he will go out.
2. Siew Keng will leave the house after she has locked the door.

1. After Ahmad had done his homework, he went out.
2. Siew Keng left after she had locked the door.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


1. The cruel woman made the children do all the work yesterday.
2. The teacher made the naughty boy stand on the chair last Monday.


1. The children were made to do all the work by the cruel woman yesterday.
2. The naughty boy was made to stand on the chair by the teacher last Monday.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Blind as a bat/ A beetle/ A mole/ An owl

From the Cut n Paste

人们以为蝙蝠,甲虫,鼠及猫头鹰都是夜间活动,必定是盲的。。。其实不然。可是,这样的假定就使我们比喻盲目的,或视力有困难者为 “Blind as a bat/ A beetle/ A mole/ An owl了。”


People assume that because bats, beetles, moles and owls are active in the dark they must be blind...which they aren't. That assumption, though, has led to our saying that anyone who is blind or who has difficulty in seeing is blind as a bat/ a bettle/ a mole or an owl. " Without my glasses I'm blind as a bat."

For me

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Get Hitched

From the Cut n Paste

Hitch 是扣住;套住的意思。“ Get Hitched" 是句很通俗的用语,意指结婚;这话来自将马儿套着马车走。


Trevor and Janet have known each other since they were children. " You love me and i love you," Janet said one day. Isn't it time we got hitched?" Trevor resisted a little, but in the end he and Janet did get hitched. When people get hitched they get married.

For me

Wow~~~ sweet^^
Edited by using Polaroin
( Original photo from google)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Guess Guess Guess

Mid-term tests are coming ...

Too stress for the tests ?
Take a break to play this games ....

Click here ^.^

And all the best for your tests ^^

Monday, August 23, 2010

In mint condition

From the Cut n Paste

Mint 是造币厂。刚出厂的钱币便说是  “In mint condition” ;引伸开来,凡崭新或似新的东西亦被形容为“ In mint condition”了。


The coins in your purse or pocket are made in a place called a mint. New coins fresh from a mint are said to be in mint condition. So, too, is anything else that is in new or like-new condition. " Elmer seldom uses his car. It's ten years old but it's still in mint condition."

For me

Is that your Bible is in mint condition ?? :P